open62541 1.3.15
Open source implementation of OPC UA
No Matches
ua_types_encoding_json.h File Reference

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Data Structures

struct  CtxJson
struct  ParseCtx
struct  DecodeEntry




typedef UA_StatusCode(* encodeJsonSignature) (const void *src, const UA_DataType *type, CtxJson *ctx)
typedef UA_StatusCode(* decodeJsonSignature) (void *dst, const UA_DataType *type, CtxJson *ctx, ParseCtx *parseCtx)


size_t UA_calcSizeJsonInternal (const void *src, const UA_DataType *type, const UA_String *namespaces, size_t namespaceSize, const UA_String *serverUris, size_t serverUriSize, UA_Boolean useReversible)
UA_StatusCode UA_encodeJsonInternal (const void *src, const UA_DataType *type, uint8_t **bufPos, const uint8_t **bufEnd, const UA_String *namespaces, size_t namespaceSize, const UA_String *serverUris, size_t serverUriSize, UA_Boolean useReversible)
UA_StatusCode writeJsonObjStart (CtxJson *ctx)
UA_StatusCode writeJsonObjElm (CtxJson *ctx, const char *key, const void *value, const UA_DataType *type)
UA_StatusCode writeJsonObjEnd (CtxJson *ctx)
UA_StatusCode writeJsonArrStart (CtxJson *ctx)
UA_StatusCode writeJsonArrElm (CtxJson *ctx, const void *value, const UA_DataType *type)
UA_StatusCode writeJsonArrEnd (CtxJson *ctx)
UA_StatusCode writeJsonKey (CtxJson *ctx, const char *key)
UA_StatusCode writeJsonCommaIfNeeded (CtxJson *ctx)
UA_StatusCode writeJsonNull (CtxJson *ctx)
status encodeJsonInternal (const void *src, const UA_DataType *type, CtxJson *ctx)
UA_StatusCode decodeFields (CtxJson *ctx, ParseCtx *parseCtx, DecodeEntry *entries, size_t entryCount)
UA_StatusCode lookAheadForKey (const char *search, CtxJson *ctx, ParseCtx *parseCtx, size_t *resultIndex)
UA_StatusCode tokenize (ParseCtx *parseCtx, CtxJson *ctx, const UA_ByteString *src, size_t tokensSize)
UA_Boolean isJsonNull (const CtxJson *ctx, const ParseCtx *parseCtx)


const encodeJsonSignature encodeJsonJumpTable [UA_DATATYPEKINDS]
const decodeJsonSignature decodeJsonJumpTable [UA_DATATYPEKINDS]

Macro Definition Documentation



This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License, v.

2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one at

Copyright 2014-2017 (c) Fraunhofer IOSB (Author: Julius Pfrommer) Copyright 2018 (c) Fraunhofer IOSB (Author: Lukas Meling)

Definition at line 22 of file ua_types_encoding_json.h.



Interal Definitions.

For future by the PubSub encoding

Definition at line 57 of file ua_types_encoding_json.h.

Typedef Documentation

◆ encodeJsonSignature

typedef UA_StatusCode(* encodeJsonSignature) (const void *src, const UA_DataType *type, CtxJson *ctx)

Definition at line 144 of file ua_types_encoding_json.h.

◆ decodeJsonSignature

typedef UA_StatusCode(* decodeJsonSignature) (void *dst, const UA_DataType *type, CtxJson *ctx, ParseCtx *parseCtx)

Definition at line 147 of file ua_types_encoding_json.h.

Function Documentation

◆ UA_calcSizeJsonInternal()

size_t UA_calcSizeJsonInternal ( const void * src,
const UA_DataType * type,
const UA_String * namespaces,
size_t namespaceSize,
const UA_String * serverUris,
size_t serverUriSize,
UA_Boolean useReversible )

Returns the number of bytes the value src takes in json encoding.

Returns zero if an error occurs.

◆ UA_encodeJsonInternal()

UA_StatusCode UA_encodeJsonInternal ( const void * src,
const UA_DataType * type,
uint8_t ** bufPos,
const uint8_t ** bufEnd,
const UA_String * namespaces,
size_t namespaceSize,
const UA_String * serverUris,
size_t serverUriSize,
UA_Boolean useReversible )

Encodes the scalar value described by type to json encoding.

srcThe value. Must not be NULL.
typeThe value type. Must not be NULL.
bufPosPoints to a pointer to the current position in the encoding buffer. Must not be NULL.
bufEndPoints to a pointer to the end of the encoding buffer (encoding always stops before *buf_end). Must not be NULL.
namespacesAn array of namespaces
namespaceSizeThe size of the namespaces array
serverUrisAn array of serverUris
serverUriSizeThe size of the serverUris array
useReversiblepreserve datatypes in json encoding
Returns a statuscode whether encoding succeeded.

◆ writeJsonObjStart()

UA_StatusCode writeJsonObjStart ( CtxJson * ctx)

◆ writeJsonObjElm()

UA_StatusCode writeJsonObjElm ( CtxJson * ctx,
const char * key,
const void * value,
const UA_DataType * type )

◆ writeJsonObjEnd()

UA_StatusCode writeJsonObjEnd ( CtxJson * ctx)

◆ writeJsonArrStart()

UA_StatusCode writeJsonArrStart ( CtxJson * ctx)

◆ writeJsonArrElm()

UA_StatusCode writeJsonArrElm ( CtxJson * ctx,
const void * value,
const UA_DataType * type )

◆ writeJsonArrEnd()

UA_StatusCode writeJsonArrEnd ( CtxJson * ctx)

◆ writeJsonKey()

UA_StatusCode writeJsonKey ( CtxJson * ctx,
const char * key )

◆ writeJsonCommaIfNeeded()

UA_StatusCode writeJsonCommaIfNeeded ( CtxJson * ctx)

◆ writeJsonNull()

UA_StatusCode writeJsonNull ( CtxJson * ctx)

◆ encodeJsonInternal()

status encodeJsonInternal ( const void * src,
const UA_DataType * type,
CtxJson * ctx )

◆ decodeFields()

UA_StatusCode decodeFields ( CtxJson * ctx,
ParseCtx * parseCtx,
DecodeEntry * entries,
size_t entryCount )

◆ lookAheadForKey()

UA_StatusCode lookAheadForKey ( const char * search,
CtxJson * ctx,
ParseCtx * parseCtx,
size_t * resultIndex )

◆ tokenize()

UA_StatusCode tokenize ( ParseCtx * parseCtx,
CtxJson * ctx,
const UA_ByteString * src,
size_t tokensSize )

◆ isJsonNull()

UA_Boolean isJsonNull ( const CtxJson * ctx,
const ParseCtx * parseCtx )

Variable Documentation

◆ encodeJsonJumpTable

const encodeJsonSignature encodeJsonJumpTable[UA_DATATYPEKINDS]

Expose the jump tables and some methods for PubSub JSON decoding.

◆ decodeJsonJumpTable

const decodeJsonSignature decodeJsonJumpTable[UA_DATATYPEKINDS]