open62541 1.3.15
Open source implementation of OPC UA
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ua_timer.h File Reference
#include "ua_util_internal.h"
#include "aa_tree.h"

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Data Structures

struct  UA_TimerEntry
struct  UA_Timer


typedef struct UA_TimerEntry UA_TimerEntry
typedef void(* UA_TimerExecutionCallback) (void *executionApplication, UA_ApplicationCallback cb, void *callbackApplication, void *data)


void UA_Timer_init (UA_Timer *t)
UA_StatusCode UA_Timer_addTimedCallback (UA_Timer *t, UA_ApplicationCallback callback, void *application, void *data, UA_DateTime date, UA_UInt64 *callbackId)
void UA_Timer_addTimerEntry (UA_Timer *t, UA_TimerEntry *te, UA_UInt64 *callbackId)
UA_StatusCode UA_Timer_addRepeatedCallback (UA_Timer *t, UA_ApplicationCallback callback, void *application, void *data, UA_Double interval_ms, UA_DateTime *baseTime, UA_TimerPolicy timerPolicy, UA_UInt64 *callbackId)
UA_StatusCode UA_Timer_changeRepeatedCallback (UA_Timer *t, UA_UInt64 callbackId, UA_Double interval_ms, UA_DateTime *baseTime, UA_TimerPolicy timerPolicy)
void UA_Timer_removeCallback (UA_Timer *t, UA_UInt64 callbackId)
UA_DateTime UA_Timer_process (UA_Timer *t, UA_DateTime nowMonotonic, UA_TimerExecutionCallback executionCallback, void *executionApplication)
void UA_Timer_clear (UA_Timer *t)


_UA_BEGIN_DECLS typedef void(* UA_ApplicationCallback )(void *application, void *data)

Typedef Documentation

◆ UA_TimerEntry

typedef struct UA_TimerEntry UA_TimerEntry

◆ UA_TimerExecutionCallback

typedef void(* UA_TimerExecutionCallback) (void *executionApplication, UA_ApplicationCallback cb, void *callbackApplication, void *data)

Process (dispatch) the repeated callbacks that have timed out.

Returns the timestamp of the next scheduled repeated callback. Not thread-safe. Application is a pointer to the client / server environment for the callback. Dispatched is set to true when at least one callback was run / dispatched.

Definition at line 87 of file ua_timer.h.

Function Documentation

◆ UA_Timer_init()

void UA_Timer_init ( UA_Timer * t)

◆ UA_Timer_addTimedCallback()

UA_StatusCode UA_Timer_addTimedCallback ( UA_Timer * t,
UA_ApplicationCallback callback,
void * application,
void * data,
UA_DateTime date,
UA_UInt64 * callbackId )

◆ UA_Timer_addTimerEntry()

void UA_Timer_addTimerEntry ( UA_Timer * t,
UA_TimerEntry * te,
UA_UInt64 * callbackId )

Add a pre-allocated and pre-filled UA_TimerEntry.

This cannot fail. It is used, for example, for delayed memory reclamation where the data structure begins with a UA_TimerEntry.

◆ UA_Timer_addRepeatedCallback()

UA_StatusCode UA_Timer_addRepeatedCallback ( UA_Timer * t,
UA_ApplicationCallback callback,
void * application,
void * data,
UA_Double interval_ms,
UA_DateTime * baseTime,
UA_TimerPolicy timerPolicy,
UA_UInt64 * callbackId )

◆ UA_Timer_changeRepeatedCallback()

UA_StatusCode UA_Timer_changeRepeatedCallback ( UA_Timer * t,
UA_UInt64 callbackId,
UA_Double interval_ms,
UA_DateTime * baseTime,
UA_TimerPolicy timerPolicy )

◆ UA_Timer_removeCallback()

void UA_Timer_removeCallback ( UA_Timer * t,
UA_UInt64 callbackId )

◆ UA_Timer_process()

UA_DateTime UA_Timer_process ( UA_Timer * t,
UA_DateTime nowMonotonic,
UA_TimerExecutionCallback executionCallback,
void * executionApplication )

◆ UA_Timer_clear()

void UA_Timer_clear ( UA_Timer * t)

Variable Documentation

◆ UA_ApplicationCallback

_UA_BEGIN_DECLS typedef void(* UA_ApplicationCallback) (void *application, void *data) ( void * application,
void * data )

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Copyright 2017, 2018, 2021 (c) Fraunhofer IOSB (Author: Julius Pfrommer) Copyright 2017 (c) Stefan Profanter, fortiss GmbH The timer is protected by its own mutex. The mutex is released before calling into the callbacks. So the timer can be modified from the callbacks it is executing. Also, the timer mutex can never lead to locking. Because the timer mutex will be left without acquiring another mutex.

Obviously, the timer must not be deleted from within one of its callbacks. Callback where the application is either a client or a server

Definition at line 26 of file ua_timer.h.