open62541 1.3.15
Open source implementation of OPC UA
No Matches
UA_PubSubChannel Struct Reference

#include <pubsub.h>

Data Fields

UA_UInt32 publisherId
UA_PubSubChannelState state
UA_SOCKET sockfd
void * handle
UA_StatusCode(* send )(UA_PubSubChannel *channel, UA_ExtensionObject *transportSettings, const UA_ByteString *buf)
UA_StatusCode(* regist )(UA_PubSubChannel *channel, UA_ExtensionObject *transportSettings, void(*callback)(UA_ByteString *encodedBuffer, UA_ByteString *topic))
UA_StatusCode(* unregist )(UA_PubSubChannel *channel, UA_ExtensionObject *transportSettings)
UA_StatusCode(* receive )(UA_PubSubChannel *channel, UA_ExtensionObject *transportSettings, UA_PubSubReceiveCallback receiveCallback, void *receiveCallbackContext, UA_UInt32 timeout)
UA_StatusCode(* close )(UA_PubSubChannel *channel)
UA_StatusCode(* yield )(UA_PubSubChannel *channel, UA_UInt16 timeout)

Detailed Description

Interface structure between network plugin and internal implementation.

Definition at line 41 of file pubsub.h.

Field Documentation

◆ publisherId

UA_UInt32 UA_PubSubChannel::publisherId

Definition at line 42 of file pubsub.h.

◆ state

UA_PubSubChannelState UA_PubSubChannel::state

Definition at line 43 of file pubsub.h.

◆ connectionConfig

UA_PubSubConnectionConfig* UA_PubSubChannel::connectionConfig

Definition at line 44 of file pubsub.h.

◆ sockfd

UA_SOCKET UA_PubSubChannel::sockfd

Definition at line 45 of file pubsub.h.

◆ handle

void* UA_PubSubChannel::handle

Definition at line 46 of file pubsub.h.

◆ send

UA_StatusCode(* UA_PubSubChannel::send) (UA_PubSubChannel *channel, UA_ExtensionObject *transportSettings, const UA_ByteString *buf)

Definition at line 52 of file pubsub.h.

◆ regist

UA_StatusCode(* UA_PubSubChannel::regist) (UA_PubSubChannel *channel, UA_ExtensionObject *transportSettings, void(*callback)(UA_ByteString *encodedBuffer, UA_ByteString *topic))

Definition at line 56 of file pubsub.h.

◆ unregist

UA_StatusCode(* UA_PubSubChannel::unregist) (UA_PubSubChannel *channel, UA_ExtensionObject *transportSettings)

Definition at line 60 of file pubsub.h.

◆ receive

UA_StatusCode(* UA_PubSubChannel::receive) (UA_PubSubChannel *channel, UA_ExtensionObject *transportSettings, UA_PubSubReceiveCallback receiveCallback, void *receiveCallbackContext, UA_UInt32 timeout)

Definition at line 63 of file pubsub.h.

◆ close

UA_StatusCode(* UA_PubSubChannel::close) (UA_PubSubChannel *channel)

Definition at line 70 of file pubsub.h.

◆ yield

UA_StatusCode(* UA_PubSubChannel::yield) (UA_PubSubChannel *channel, UA_UInt16 timeout)

Definition at line 73 of file pubsub.h.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: