51 const ByteString& secureChannelRemoteCertificate,
104 bool isDeleteModified
Access control base class.
virtual Span< UserTokenPolicy > getUserTokenPolicies()=0
Get available user token policies.
virtual bool allowDeleteReference(Session &session, const DeleteReferencesItem &item)=0
Allow deleting a reference.
virtual bool allowHistoryDelete(Session &session, const NodeId &nodeId, DateTime startTimestamp, DateTime endTimestamp, bool isDeleteModified)=0
Allow delete of historical data.
virtual bool getUserExecutableOnObject(Session &session, const NodeId &methodId, const NodeId &objectId)=0
Additional access control for calling a method node in the context of a specific object.
virtual bool allowAddNode(Session &session, const AddNodesItem &item)=0
Allow adding a node.
virtual bool getUserExecutable(Session &session, const NodeId &methodId)=0
Additional access control for method nodes.
virtual bool allowBrowseNode(Session &session, const NodeId &nodeId)=0
Allow browsing a node.
virtual bool allowDeleteNode(Session &session, const DeleteNodesItem &item)=0
Allow deleting a node.
UA_AccessControl create(bool ownsAdapter) override
virtual Bitmask< WriteMask > getUserRightsMask(Session &session, const NodeId &nodeId)=0
Access control for all nodes.
virtual Bitmask< AccessLevel > getUserAccessLevel(Session &session, const NodeId &nodeId)=0
Additional access control for variable nodes.
virtual StatusCode activateSession(Session &session, const EndpointDescription &endpointDescription, const ByteString &secureChannelRemoteCertificate, const ExtensionObject &userIdentityToken)=0
Authenticate a session.
virtual bool allowTransferSubscription(Session &oldSession, Session &newSession)=0
Allow transfer of a subscription to another session.
virtual bool allowHistoryUpdate(Session &session, const NodeId &nodeId, PerformUpdateType performInsertReplace, const DataValue &value)=0
Allow insert, replace, update of historical data.
virtual void closeSession(Session &session)=0
Deauthenticate a session and cleanup session context.
virtual bool allowAddReference(Session &session, const AddReferencesItem &item)=0
Allow adding a reference.
Bitmask using (scoped) enums.
UA_ByteString wrapper class.
UA_DataValue wrapper class.
UA_DateTime wrapper class.
UA_ExtensionObject wrapper class.
Base class to implement plugin adapters.
High-level session class to manage client sessions.
View to a contiguous sequence of objects, similar to std::span in C++20.
UA_StatusCode wrapper class.
UA_AddNodesItem wrapper class.
UA_AddReferencesItem wrapper class.
UA_DeleteNodesItem wrapper class.
UA_DeleteReferencesItem wrapper class.
UA_EndpointDescription wrapper class.
Perform update type for structured data history updates.